Ciney Militaria Belgium
Karl Häuser will be in Ciney Military show. This is the greatest fair in Europe and lasts just one day.
Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb.
Karl Häuser will be in Ciney Military show. This is the greatest fair in Europe and lasts just one day.
Karl Häuser will be as usual in Militalia – Novegro (Italy). Our partners B&V Studio will be there for us during the whole week-end 22 – 23 october 2022
We are always interested in buying military antiques collections. Every week we are asked to value and possibly buy entire collections from all over the world. We get to our customer’s house, we offer the best price on the military antiques market and when new items are arriving in our warehouses, we immediately send updates […]
Allied uniforms, helmets, badges and equipment are now availabe in Karl Häuser’s warehouse. We hereby show You some of the most rare and interesting items. As usual, all the items shown can be booked by our customers through this site, instagram page or ebay shop. Thank You for watching.
Since 1975 this Military show takes place in San Lazzaro di Savena – Bologna (Italy) four times every year. We were there for our customers as usual.
The International Weapons and Collectors Exchange Greding took place from Thursday 22 to Saturday 24 September 2022 in Greding, between Nuremberg and Ingolstadt. Karl Häuser was there.
42° Internationale Sammler Treffen in Gunzenhausen from 6 to 8 october 2022
We will be as usual in an Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna – Italy) on Saturday 24 september 2022
Karl Häuser has been recently contacted from a family who holds a huge colection of German Military Antiques. We hereby show You some of the most rare and interesting items. As usual, all the items shown can be booked by our customers through this site, instagram page or ebay shop. Thank You for watching.
Karl Hauser will be at the Greding fair from 22 to 24 September 2022. For more information contact us at
Lineol, Elastolin, Britains are just some of the brands of a huge collection of toy soldiers just arrived and ready to be added in your collection. We hereby show You some of the most rare and interesting items. As usual, all the items shown can be booked by our customers through this site, instagram page […]
A wonderful selection of italian Royal Army items and ’43 – ’45 period too. We hereby show You some of the most rare and interesting items. As usual, all the items shown can be booked by our customers through this site, instagram page or ebay shop. Thank You for watching.